Technology is ever growing in today’s society and some are not ready to embrace while others are. The ones who choose not to embrace change in advanced technology have a strong fear of not having human control, and that brings about our headline question: Is the world ready for self-driving cars to navigate the road?
Over the last 5-10 years, big tech companies have already moved toward self-driving cars, and now transportation companies such as Uber and Lyft wants in on the new wave as well. Self-driving cars can have many benefits for several reasons more than one. Lets say you’re pissy-drunk and can’t make it home, or you don’t know how to drive at all but would very much like to reach your date, doctors appointment, etc…, would letting a car drive for you be a bad thing for you?
The only downside to self-driving cars would be if tech companies rush unfinished product out there to the public and the worse happens. The positive back-end to anything happening to a hands-free passenger while occupying a self-driving car should be that the car is fully equipped with thoroughly tested tools to ensure the safety of human life.
Also, the makers of that vehicle should have some kind of coverage agreement that puts the persons mind at ease. Of course any driver that’s thinking about embracing the future of self-driving cars should have insurance on their car automatically, that way they’ll be covered on both ends of the fence.
According to CBS Evening News, we could be looking at the release of self-driving cars nationwide by 2021. Twenty three states including Washington D.C. already have laws on the books about self-driving cars, and it’s only a matter of time before other states fall in-line soon. Thanks for reading.