You’re probably looking at the image of hot-wings and saying to yourselves “Oh Hell No, Not My Hot Wings!”, well, your safe for now with those spicy-hots so continue to paint your fingernails burgundy red. The headline reads how many food recalls will there be before we’re out of options? In the past 10-years there’s been a huge amount of food recalls in the united states of America and one of the leading red-flags is ground beef according to the USDA.
Snacks like Little Debbie’s Swiss Rolls has recently been recalled, lettuce, tomatoes, Fish, peanut butter, boxed Mac N Cheese and today “Taco Bell Salsa Con Queso Mild Cheese Dip” has been flagged and yanked from shelves. Do to the tremendous amount of recalls some are taking the vegan/ vegetarian lifestyle on but even places like Wholefoods have had recalls.
The only thing we’ll have left to eat is grilled cheese sandwiches and potato wedges if these recalls keep coming in. In the meantime it’s best to keep a eagle-eye on all of your favorite snacks and foods you like because they may be a hazard to your health. Check out couple items below you may want to think twice about buying during your next shopping experience.
1. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers
2. Ritz Crackers, Ritz Bitz
3. Pecans, Walnuts, in Shrman Candy
4. Utz Carolina Style Barbeque Potato Chips
5. Smithfield Pepperoni Five Cheese Calzone
6. Hungry Man Chipotle BBQ Sauced Boneless Chicken
7. Creamy Creations ice creams and sherbets
8. Seattle Sourdough Pub Buns, Franz Premium Pub Buns
9. United States Bakery Hamburger Buns
10. Whole Foods Market Oatmeal Cookies
11. Talking Rain Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade
12. Wish Bone House Italian Salad Dressing
13. Kellogg’s Honey Smacks cereal