Secretary Hillary Clinton spoke last night at Children’s Defense Fund, making a heartfelt plea to her supporters to stay engaged and never give up. This was the first time Hillary has spoken since conceding to president-elect Donald Trump, and from the looks of her appearance it appeared that this election took more than a toll on her mentally and spiritually. Secretary Clinton told her supporters something we can all relate to after experiencing the most upsetting defeat of your lives.
“There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do is just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again,”. For a presidential candidate to say what Clinton said, it had to very painful for a person who had HUGE momentum in this year’s campaign.
Though many are saying the electoral college is unlikely to change the outcome of a Trump Presidency, they’re 4,411,922 supporters who’ve signed the petition, with 88,078 to get Hillary in office. Who knows, maybe they’ll hear the alarming numbers of million Americans who wants Hillary in. Click here if you’re Hillary Supporter, check out Madam Secretary Clinton’s speech below, and let us know what you think.