We’ve had a few months to consume Jay Z’s 444 album and with even the man himself breaking down each song track for track, there’s still no way you can grasp a complete body of work within a short period of time. So, we decided to share our best songs off of Jay Z’s 13th studio album in no particular order. Are you ready? Lets go get’em!
1.Jay Z “Family Feud” featuring wife Beyoncé and produced by NO I.D.: We’ve heard tracks leading up to this banger right here however, this beat with Beyoncé looping in the background easily grabbed our ears. Jay Z was a bit more transparent with his core audience about real life issues he’s faced as a full time family man.
It doesn’t get any better than one of your favorite MC’s touching the people with his truth and that’s what Jay did on track 6 on the 444 album.
2.Jay Z “Oj Story” which is another track produced by NO I.D.: When you come from Marcy projects in Brooklyn, NY, and you’re a rapper, your 1st five solo albums will pretty much sound like the struggle that came with it. Sean Carter has grown financially and maturely with tracks like this pointing out how black people in America need to grasp hold of economic power among others things he touched on.
What compelled Jay Z to make a song like this? The sad reality is even with all the riches and glories in this world today (Not saying there can’t be a better tomorrow), people of color rich or poor has experienced domination by way of a lack of knowledge/unfair practices by the higher-ups in this country.
3.Jay Z “Smile” featuring Gloria Carter, Produced By NO I.D.: Upon clicking the play button on Tidal, we heard the beautiful voice of the greatest composer of all time Stevie Wonder, and said “Okay, where’s he going with this?”. Well, yet again Jay Z let fans into somethings you wouldn’t have known 15-years ago. In this song he revealed how is mom had to hide in the closet because of her preference of gender-choice which was mind blowing to the internet that he’d reveal something like this.
During a interview with Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson, Jay was asked how did his mom feel about the record and told Wilson that “She Didn’t Like It” at first but later came around about it. He spoke on other things as well on this song but that stood out the most.
There’s other tracks on 444 we diggin’ as well such as: “Moonlight”, “Kill Jay Z” and Marcy Me”. Without a doubt some would say this is one Jay Z’s best albums in years and we’d have to agree with them based on listening experience, and not popular opinion for the record.
What did we rate Hov’s 13th Studio album? A cool 10 and here’s why: Unlike other albums you may or may not have heard in the past, this one was more personal and transparent. Even though in the past he has revealed much through songs like “Lost Ones”, “Mama Loves Me”, “American Gangster” and list of other songs you’re gonna have to search for yourselves..lol Thanks for reading.
By the way, this is a win for US. I remember when rap was said to be a fad . We are now alongside some of the greatest writers in history.
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) February 22, 2017